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Life Extension, Супер K с улучшенным Ко-комплексом, 90 капсул
Life Extension, Супер K с улучшенным Ко-комплексом, 90 капсул - уместный выбор для приобретения в онлайн гипермаркете! Товаропроизводитель популярен своим отменным свойством товаров, закрепленным многими хорошими мнениями профессионалов. Продукт соответствует всем сегодняшним требованиям и разрабатывается только лишь из качественных материалов. Life Extension, Супер K с улучшенным Ко-комплексом, 90 капсул по доступной цене в данном интернет маркете. Для окончательного изучения изделия рассмотрите фотографии, свойства, мнения потребителей.
Super K with Advanced K2 Complex provides the three forms of vitamin K that can be utilized by the body: vitamin K1 and dual forms of K2, MK-4 and MK-7. This comprehensive vitamin K formula promotes both bone and arterial health. So boost your vitamin K levels with the one-two punch of both K1 and K2, add Super K with Advanced K2 Complex to your nutrient regimen today!
Benefits at a Glance:
The method by which vitamin K supports bones and arteries is related to its relationship with calcium. Research has shown that low vitamin K status interferes with the function of a protein called matrix Gla-protein (MGP). This protein is vitamin K dependent and must be carboxylated to function properly.
Without adequate vitamin K, MGP remains uncarboxylated. Studies have found that uncarboxylated MGP accumulates at the site of arterial calcification. Without normal levels of carboxylated MGP, calcium in the blood can bind to the arterial wall resulting in calcification.
Health benefits of vitamin K
The Rotterdam Heart Study, a large-scale, well-controlled clinical trial that tracked 4,800 subjects for seven years, revealed that people who consume the most dietary K2 have healthier hearts when compared to people who consume the least. Additional studies have shown that higher vitamin K levels also correspond to less calcium deposits in the aorta, and can even cause a 37% regression of preformed arterial calcification.
Different forms of Vitamin K
Unfortunately, obtaining enough vitamin K through the diet can be difficult. The most common form of vitamin K, known as K1, is present in leafy green vegetables. Not only do many people avoid these vegetables, the K1 is tightly bound to plant fibers and not easily absorbable.
In contrast, vitamin K2, which is found in meat, egg yolks, and dairy, is up to 10 times more bioavailable than K1 and remains active in the body for far longer. If you're avoiding these foods for health reasons, it’s essential to take a K2 supplement.
Super K with Advanced K2 Complex makes it easier to get enough vitamin K by including two forms of vitamin K2, MK-4 and MK-7. The MK-4 form is the most rapidly absorbed type of vitamin K. However, it only lasts in the bloodstream for a few hours. In contrast, the MK-7 form is available to the body for a full 24-hour period at much higher levels.
A complete Vitamin K supplement
Combining two forms of vitamin K2 provides both rapid and sustained absorption of this critical nutrient, so your healthy blood levels are maintained throughout the day. Just one daily softgel of Super K with Advanced K2 Complex provides 100 mcg of vitamin K2 (MK-7); 1,000 mcg of vitamin K2 (MK-4); and 1,500 mcg of vitamin K1. This K2 complex, plus a strong dose of K1, makes this comprehensive formula an excellent way to get your vitamin K!
Read the entire label and follow the directions carefully prior to use.
Take one (1) softgel daily with food, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.
Extra virgin, olive oil, gelatin, glycerin, beeswax, purified water, carob color.
Contains soybeans.
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Allshopplus – отличный сайт по подбору и сравнению модификаций товаров в интернет гипермаркетах России и стран СНГ. Сайт не занимается реализацией, но рекомендует каталог «Витамин К», где возможно заказать «Life Extension, Супер K с улучшенным Ко-комплексом, 90 капсул» по доступным ценам. Мы предоставляем сайт купонов для поиска наилучшего предложения. Сделать верный заказ поспособствуют: информативное описание, точные характеристики, подбор изделий по цене, фотогалереи товаров, отзывы покупателей, рейтинг вариантов товаров, сравнение стоимости и многое другое. Использование различных материалов проекта, только с утверждённого разрешения администрации.